[BI] Discarding sentimental but probably worthless books

Pity the poor book loving non-book seller. The only way I can have 
Thanksgiving is to discard books. Lots of them. You know how the dominos go. The  only
way I can have overnight guests is to pick up the boxes of photo disks 
scattered around the spare room. The only way to do that is to clean off some 
shelves. The only way to clean off the shelves is to move books off the  shelves,
but to where? A book sale probably, which isn't as bad as throwing them  out.
But still, it's hard. First are the standards for discarding. Do I keep  books
that belonged to my late family members as children 60, 70, 100 years ago? 
The answer is usually. Then there's the distraction element. You can't get  rid
of a book without first reading a few paragraphs. If it's a book of short 
stories, then you might have to scan several of them. Then you have to  wonder
why you ever picked some books up to begin with. Take "Growing Nuts  in the
North." Why do I have this book? It's not likely I will ever start  growing nuts.
Going nuts, maybe. You get to the point where you throw up  your hands and
write an e-mail. So far about 20 books are firmly in the discard  box. Back to
work. More boxes to fill.
Sally Spooner
BookFinder Insider -- http://lists.bookfinder.com/mailman/listinfo/insider

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